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Cover Story Kahn Institute: Ideas at Play, Research in the Making

在跨学科的卡恩文科学院,鼓励冒险的探索. Here, Smith students, alongside faculty scientists and literary scholars, philosophers and artists, 探索难以捉摸的概念和研究问题,如“制造”的概念如何注入我们对世界的感觉,或者是什么使“感知”的概念成为人类经验的基本形式. More...

Bringing Back Paradise

Video: Bringing Back Paradise

The drawdown of Paradise Pond has begun. It’s the first step in a multi-week experiment to send unwanted, 大量沉积物在顺流而下的过程中积聚,使池塘恢复到健康的生态系统.

Studying Mammalian Reproduction? Don't Overlook the Female Perspective

Studying Mammalian Reproduction? Don’t Overlook the Female Perspective


Hello, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Goodbye Batteries

丹尼斯·麦克卡恩(Denise McKahn)的目标是创造出比锂离子电池更高效、更安全的氢燃料电池,为小型便携式设备供电.

When the Perfect Is the Enemy of the Good

完美主义的阴暗面及其严重的副作用会对人类的思想造成严重的伤害, says Smith psychology professor Patricia DiBartolo.

Spring 2016

Field Notes: A True Story as Told by Ancient Rocks

地球科学教授约翰·布雷迪毕生致力于破译岩石所讲述的世界故事, 包括康涅狄格河谷迷人的风景故事.

Clearing the Air in China

Though it is currently grappling with a catastrophic air pollution crisis, 中国希望重新定义其经济,成为世界绿色能源未来的主导者.

Zebrafish: The Rising Superstars of Research

By transforming research into novel discoveries, 澳门葡京博彩软件教授迈克尔·巴雷西对斑马鱼的研究可能会为从脑癌到自闭症谱系障碍等人类疾病提供新的线索.

Fall 2015

Back From the Brink

从马萨诸塞州的澳门葡京博彩软件(Smith)教室到都柏林爱尔兰财政咨询委员会(Irish Fiscal Advisory Council)享有盛誉的席位,这是一段很长的路, 但Róisín奥沙利文教授作为宏观经济学家的职业生涯,把她带到了这两个地方.

Modern Myth Makers

During the mid-20th century, 他们在铺着地毯的牛津房间里喝着酒,说着俏皮话,聚在一起讨论他们的学术和文学思想. Ceative appetites were nurtured and works flourished.

A Guide to Research at MacLeish Field Station

大约240英亩的森林和田野为澳门葡京博彩软件在西惠特利的艾达和阿奇博尔德麦克利什野外站提供了环境, Massachusetts, about 11 miles from the Smith campus.

Smith College and the Case of the Peddled Painting


Fall 2014

On Books: “Ignite Your Imagination”

在一个重视批判性思维的学术环境中,似乎没有必要证明书籍的重要性. 但是,在阅读越来越局限于推特和文本的时代,情况仍然如此吗?

Capitalism, Calamity and the Cultural Underground

那些被排除在外或被资本主义这样的主导制度所从属的人会发生什么? How do they communicate while resisting the established order? They may go underground, says Kevin Rozario.

How Plato Speaks to Contemporary Bioethics

By delving deeply into five of Plato’s dialogues, Professor of Philosophy Susan Levin’s latest book offers scholars, bioethicists, 医学历史学家和其他医学领域的人对未开发的古代智慧有了新的认识,这些智慧可以帮助我们解决一些最紧迫的现代争论.

Wild Collecting

无论是从墨西哥北部的高松林中还是格洛斯特的一片沼泽中寻找种子或稀有植物标本, Massachusetts, Rob Nicholson has many stories to tell.

Fall 2014

An Early Role for Smith College: Collecting
Great American Art

In the late 1870s, 为什么澳门葡京博彩软件开始积极地收集一群才华横溢的美国艺术家的作品,这些艺术家还在艺术舞台上崭露头角?

Kate Soper’s Musical Quest

On the surface, composer Kate Soper’s opera Here Be Sirens seeks to unlock the mystery of the siren myth, but it also explores enduring, complicated questions—the kind that compel us to dive deeper.

Beery’s Research Highlights Bias in Animal Studies

生物医学研究中的男性偏见将很快被消除,这要感谢美国政府的一项新政策.S. 政府的医学研究机构——国家卫生研究院将于10月1日开始实施.

The Enchantment of Imagining

Andrea Hairston’s new book of essays, 小说和戏剧都利用了这样一个观点:我们的故事赋予了我们想象的力量, plan and create how we want to live in the future.

Spring 2014

It’s a Small, Small Biodiverse World

What happens when you get a group of testate amoebae together, after they’ve been filmed in a Smith professor’s lab, and “interview” the microbial actors?

A Personal Quest to Save Sudan

Using the power of the written word, 英语教授、人权活动家埃里克·里夫斯(Eric Reeves)接受了挑战,将世界的目光引向苏丹的暴行.

Taking Stock of Feminism’s Enduring Lessons

社会学教授南希·惠蒂尔(Nancy Whittier)说,今天的女权活动人士不需要偏离格洛丽亚·斯泰纳姆(Gloria Steinem)和其他女权主义领袖大约50年前制定的路线太远.

Horses as Models for the Human Gut?


Despite the Contradictions, Ballet Is at Its Best in Cuba


Fall 2013

A Passion for Mathematics, Its Abstractions and Its Truths

数学家鲁斯·哈斯(Ruth Haas)致力于数学模型的研究,特别是对计数的研究, which is called combinatorics.

What Is Gratitude?

Is gratitude an impulse hardwired in human nature? Is it a virtue or is it a practice? How does gratitude affect everything from the brain and the spirit, to the economy and the culture at large?

The Low Status of Teachers: A Global Epidemic?

Despite the vital role teachers play, actual public perceptions of teaching are eroding, even in countries like Japan where the profession was once venerated.

What’s That in the Sky? Is It a Balloon? Is It a Drone?

Are drones the new way of the future for research scientists? Smith engineering professor Paul Voss would like to think so.

The Power of Community


In Ancient Rock Mounds, Deposits From Tiny Worms Captivate Scientists


Spring 2013

The History and Harmony of Live Music

What happens in a live music setting that doesn’t happen elsewhere? What relationships exist between performers and audiences? Music professor Steve Waksman wants to know.

Tales of the Third Dimension: Bringing 19th-Century India Into Wondrous Focus


Climate Change: New Questions, New Concerns

奥巴马总统将应对气候变化作为其就职演说中最重要的承诺, many environmental advocates cheered.

Understanding the Plague’s Past, Present and Future

Because of its global impact, its macabre history and its frightening potential, 自14世纪以来,这种被称为鼠疫的疾病一直激发着学术研究.