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为教师 & 工作人员

虽然沃特勒领导力中心的大部分课程都是面向学生的, 然而,我们努力实现我们的使命,使澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都具备创造力, courage and collaborative capacity to lead positive change. We believe strongly that in order to build these skills in our students, 当我们寻求建立协作领导模式时,我们自己也需要成为学习者. 我们也希望为那些有兴趣探索培养学生协作领导技能的新方法的教职员工提供资源. Below are some ways our center engages with faculty and staff.

The Art of Leading Teams Lunch Series

加入沃特勒领导力中心,参加这个促进了每月一系列的对话,讨论澳门葡京博彩软件团队合作的意义. Open to all faculty and staff, regardless of title or position. Most sessions are held in-person with a virtual attendance option; lunch is provided for in-person attendees who RSVP.

看到一个 pdf of the schedule, or click on the tabs below. Sign up for email related to the Art of Leading Teams on this 谷歌的形式.


Tuesday, 9月 19

12:15–1:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room (lunch available at noon)

A Warm Welcome: How to Bring in New Members to Your Team or Department

It’s not always easy to adjust when you start a new role, 这在很大程度上取决于你的团队或部门为欢迎你而采取的措施. 参加Wurtele领导中心的午餐会议,学习如何欢迎新同事,并获得快速培养归属感的技巧和工具.


Tuesday, 10月 24

12:15–1:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room (lunch available at noon)

“I’m Not Creative” (And Other Lies You Tell Your Team)

It’s easy to deny our own creativity, 然而,我们每个人都需要发展新的想法,为创新的做事方式找到灵感, no matter what our work entails. Join the Wurtele Center and guest co-facilitator Andrea St. 路易, the new Director of the Conway Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, 参加一个午餐会议,讨论如何创造空间,激发你和你的团队的信心,让他们变得更有创造力. 


Tuesday, 11月 28

12:15–1:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room (lunch available at noon)

Destructive Conflict vs. 健康y Dissent

Disagreement is a natural element of group life, 然而,我们常常要么回避它,要么以有损而非加强我们的团队或部门的方式参与其中. 对于过分强调共识的单位文化,我们如何利用健康的不同意见的力量? For those that fall into destructive conflict, how can we set ground rules around how we will disagree productively? 本次会议由Wurtele中心和OEI共同主办,作为OEI新午餐系列的一部分, Everyday Tools for Equity and Inclusion.


Tuesday, 1月 23

12:15–1:15 p.m., Virtual Meeting

Using Assessment for Improving Your Team’s Work

When we think of assessment, we often think in terms of numbers - how many students we’ve served, how many programs we’ve offered. 但这些指标并没有给我们一个完整的画面,告诉我们如何或是否实现了我们的目标. Join the Wurtele Center and guest co-facilitator, Associate Director for Assessment Minh Ly, to explore assessment strategies that can help your team measure success, tell a compelling story about your work, and identify areas for growth or change.


Tuesday, 2月 13

12:15–1:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room (lunch available at noon)

Making Thinking Visible: How to Capture Collaborative Work

When we work or think together, 它通常以口头对话的形式出现,两者都不会被记录下来, 或者以书面笔记或会议记录的形式记录下来,事后很少有人查阅. Yet co-creating a visual record (in the form of diagrams, 地图, 图表, 等)可以改变协作工作,使其更具包容性和更好地捕获. 参加Wurtele中心的午餐会议,探索通过使思维可见来扩展你所在单位或课堂的协作工作的技术.


Tuesday, 3月 26

12:15–1:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room (lunch available at noon)

Navigating Diverse Communication Styles in Your Team or Department

Each member of a group brings with them a different communication style, which is rooted in our personalities, cultural backgrounds, and diverse experiences. These differences can bring great diversity to a team or department, but also provide fertile ground for misunderstanding and miscommunication. 加入Wurtele中心,探索如何应对这些差异,并练习积极倾听,以帮助更好的沟通.


Tuesday, 4月 16

12:15–1:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room (lunch available at noon)


Even though we know that teams that trust each other are more productive, 将娱乐融入我们的工作文化的想法会引发一系列情绪:有些人喜欢它, some are skeptical, and others downright dread it. 深思熟虑地考虑游戏和它所需要的一切——联系是什么样子的, 探索, 谈判, 而分歧——作为磨练你合作技能的一种方式,并将其融入到你作为一个团队的工作方式中?

“Thank you all so much for facilitating this amazing series! 我经常犹豫不决,因为我忙于其他事情,“但我参加的每一个会议都给了我新的工具和校园内的联系, 离开的时候,我很高兴自己为职业和个人发展腾出了这段时间.”
Art of Leading Teams Participant

Student Pedagogical Partners

Wurtele中心为参加shererd教学和学习中心的学生设计并促进了一系列研讨会 Pedagogical Partner program. 这些研讨会为学生提供了一个空间,在这个空间里,作为一个群体,他们可以反思自己作为教学伙伴的经历,并探索在这种特定背景下,领导力是什么样子的. Past workshop topics include:

  • Owning your Role and Challenging Imposter Phenomenon
  • Tools for Facilitating Discussions, Navigating Classroom Dynamics, and Intentional Design of Learning Experiences
  • The Science of How People Learn
  • Reflections on the Pedagogical Partner Experience
“非常感谢您在过去的一个学期中与教学伙伴关系的支持和指导. Our monthly sessions were such a joy to attend, and I always felt inspired talking to you and the group. 时间被完美地划分为思考、写作、分享和讨论. 另外, 你在会议中使用的所有工具(就像打破僵局一样简单)都非常吸引人,非常有用.”
Student Pedagogical Partner

Ways to Partner with the Wurtele Center

The Wurtele Center for Leadership is available for consultation, collaboration, 并支持那些课程(或其他学生参与模式)积极以团队或小组为导向的教师, 他们有兴趣探索如何更有意地与学生合作,培养他们的合作技能,以领导项目和倡议向前发展. 我们与教师的课程合作范围从个人咨询和课程共同设计到客座教学安排到资源共享.

For more information, please contact the Wurtele Center Assistant Director, 梅根·李斯特, and/or check out the Resources page of our website.

Wurtele领导力中心还与一系列校园合作伙伴广泛合作,通过联合课程或工作经验来支持学生和员工的协作领导力发展. This includes:

  • 与住宿生活中的学生领袖进行持续的培训和发展伙伴关系, House Leadership and Student Affairs
  • 支持 of student club and organization leaders
  • 与校园其他中心合作开发项目、讲座和研讨会
  • 每月为在校实习生和勤工俭学学生开设的学生实习生领导力丰富系列活动
  • Assistance with meeting design, retreat design and facilitation of team engagement for other units on campus

如果你有兴趣以这些或其他方式与Wurtele中心合作, please reach out!

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